Thursday, 23 September 2021

Avon City, Connecticut

Avon Connecticut is a picturesque New England community that grew along the banks of the Farmington River. A suburb of Hartford giving it the nearby cultural advantages of the State Capital and financial center of Connecticut, with beautiful parks and neighborhoods and a highly rated school system makes Avon one of Connecticut's best cities for your home and family.

Originally part of Farmington, Avon was established in 1830 and was named after the Avon River in England. The soil was fertile and there was close proximity to growing markets of Hartford. Eventually, tobacco came to be the dominant crop as the soil produced a soft tobacco leaf that was good for wrapping cigars.

Today, it is a community with much to offer in the way of residential, cultural and business opportunities. The northeastern corner of the town has special scenic beauty along the high ridge that is at traprock formation bisecting Connecticut from north to south. At its highest point stands Bartlett's Tower, built in 1867 that offers fine views of the surrounding countryside. Stephen Dent Greenwich CT

Avon was named the third-safest town in America by Money Magazine. Located in the shadow of Hartford, Avon's carefully planned residential areas feature spacious lots with rolling lawns and protected woodlands. The community has large traditional houses in a variety of contemporary styles as well as quiet, comfortable condominiums and apartments.

The commercial center of Avon located on Route 44 has a diverse selection of retail establishments. Within the center, the Avon Marketplace has trendy clothing, gift shops and restaurants. Old Avon Village has a charming array of renovated, well-preserved colonial era shops. The preschools, secondary schools, public and private colleges offer outstanding educational opportunities. Approximately ninety-five percent of Avon's high school students go on to higher education.

Stephen Dent Greenwich CT

Avon residents are committed to the community's cultural growth. Organizations that enhance the quality of life through charitable work and development of the arts include the Farmington Valley Arts Center, a modern science center and a popular public library.

On the abandoned Boston and Maine rail line the town has an almost five-mile section of the 40 mile Farmington Valley Greenway. This Greenway is enjoyed by joggers, walkers, bicyclists and during the winter, cross-country skiers. The town is committed to keeping open space green.

The combination of Avon's close proximity to major metropolitan and commercial centers like Hartford, together with its beautiful, well planned neighborhoods makes Avon one of Connecticut's best cities for your home and family.

Hаrtfоrd Connecticut Hіѕtоrіс Hоuѕеѕ: Samuel Colt Home, Armѕmеаr

Hоmе оf Sаmuеl Cоlt the inventor and mаnufасturеr оf the Colt fіrеаrmѕ, Armѕmеаr mеаnѕ "Mеаdоw of arms" аnd lіеѕ аt the center оf ...